It's rare that a reviewer (or casual blogger) gives an establishment three tries to get it right. I'm sorry to say that my third trip to Mel's, although better than the previous two, still left my wallet too light and my appetitie unsatisfied.
(You can read my first two reviews of Mel's HERE and HERE.)
I will say that our server, Maria was fantastic. Prompt, polite, and very friendly. I'm a firm believer in giving props to my servers and not blaming them for things they have no control over. In fact, my only gripe this time was the prices were still too high. I'm sorry, but a toasted egg bagel should NOT cost $3.00, or, (gasp!) $3.50 with cream cheese.
The photo here shows my whole grain pancakes ($6.75 - as shown, not including coffee). This was the normal size order - 3 pancakes. There's also an option for a short stack. I don't know how many pancakes you get with that - 1 1/2? Anyway, these tasted fine, but aren't pancakes usually one of the cheapest items on most menus? Mind you, this is a DINER, and a "DRIVE-IN" diner at that. These pancakes should be no more than $5.00. The bagel - $1.75 or $2.25 with cream cheese. I'm suggesting these prices in hopes that someone from Mel's corporate office accepts my invitation to read these reviews and adjusts their prices down to where a normal family who's paying $4.00 a gallon for gas to arrive at Mel's can actually afford to eat there.
Yes, I realize that the days of $5.00 breakfasts (at least in Southern California) are gone. I've witnessed the radical, recent jump of lunch prices from $7 - $10, and have eaten my share of $11.00 burgers. But breakfasts, especially ones in 'diners' should be reasonable. Or not. It's up to Mel's to decide if they want to stay in business. I, for one am not going back until the prices become more appropriate relative to the portion size and the 'diner' genre.