At the risk of startling my readers with uncharacteristic, crushing irony, I feel obliged to admit something: I don't read many blogs. Frankly, I don't read many anythings. Although I fancy myself a writer, I read surprisingly little.
After 36 years of reading, or more accurately, not reading, I've discovered what may be the biggest culprit. I have trouble with comprehension. Now don't misunderstand (sorry), it's not that I don't comprehend the words I read, it's more that I don't retain a cohesive, cognitive understanding from one sentence to another. For example, most of what I read sounds just like that! Imagine reading anything more in-depth than the back of a cereal box while handicapped with this debilitating level of confusion. It all sounds like gobelty-gook (I've always wanted to write that word.)
Anyway, I have found a couple of blogs that I read regularly, fully comprehend, and am happy to recommend. Here they are - enjoy!
James Lileks's blog - A Dave Barry-ish Minnesotan who prompts me, upon reading each entry, to utter: "Now see, that's just good stuff there, don't ya know."
The Long Beach Ledger - Tony used to be a good friend of mine. Recently I discovered he can write better than I so I've downgraded our relationship accordingly. Should he ever stop writing, or God forbid lose his wits, he'll shoot right back up to the A-list again.
Southernly - Tony's wife. A great writer in her own right, but much too beautiful to dislike :)
Celluloid Heroes - A great movie review site by my podcasting buddy, Paul.
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