That’s right – the answer, my friends, is four. Four Jags in the Goodwill parking lot on a Friday afternoon. It would be easy to assume that such a sight, especially in Orange County, would be commonplace. Fact is, I can drive for three days without seeing a Jaguar, then, one afternoon on my way home from work, I stop by Vons to pick up a can of ribs for dinner, and there’s four Jags parked in front of Goodwill. Being the proud owner of a Jag myself, I can tell you that the owners of such vehicles are not necessarily well-off; nor are they shopping at Goodwill because they have learned through lifelong practice of prudent financial planning that the frugal gesture of shopping at thrift stores will one day lead to great fortune. These fine people, yours truly included, are shopping at Goodwill because we have purchased vehicles so expensive to maintain that we cannot even afford to put air in their tires. Vehicles over which more marriages have been lost, more homes foreclosed, and more nations divided than any other type of car. I give you, dear friends, the Jaguar – life’s sweetest ride, and the favorite automobile of the destitute bourgeoisie.
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